Building a StoryBrand - Clarify Your Message So Customers Will Listen

Donald Miller

Key Facts from "Building a StoryBrand"

  1. Customers are the Hero: The book emphasizes the importance of making the customer the hero of the story, not the brand itself.
  2. Storytelling Framework: Donald Miller offers a seven-part framework for storytelling, based on the elements of a compelling story.
  3. Problem-Solution Approach: A company must clearly articulate the problem it solves for the customer.
  4. Role of the Guide: The brand should position itself as a guide that helps the hero (customer) overcome their challenges.
  5. Clear Calls to Action: Businesses must have clear and compelling calls to action in their messaging.
  6. Failure and Success:...

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Zishan Khan

Zishan Khan GB

Community Liaison Officer/Mindset Mentor
Maximilian Schmitt

Maximilian Schmitt DE

Head of Product