Hell Yeah Or No - What's Worth Doing

Derek Sivers

Key Facts and Insights from "Hell Yeah Or No - What's Worth Doing"

  1. The power of saying 'No': Sivers posits that by saying 'No' more often, we can better focus our energies on the things we truly value.
  2. 'Hell Yeah or No' approach: Essentially, if an opportunity doesn't excite you enough to say 'Hell Yeah!', it's probably best to decline.
  3. Value of time over money: Sivers emphasizes the importance of valuing our time higher than our income.
  4. Self-reliance and self-awareness: Personal growth is a key theme in Sivers' work. He encourages readers to be self-reliant and self-aware.
  5. Creating vs...

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Tristan Labelle

Tristan Labelle US

Software Engineer (Sr, Lead), The Browser Company of New York