Zombie Scrum Survival Guide

Christiaan Verwijs, Johannes Schartau, Barry Overeem

Key Insights from the book

  1. Definition and Concept of Zombie Scrum: This refers to a situation where a team is going through the motions of Scrum, but the principles and values are not really being applied.
  2. Diagnosis of Zombie Scrum: The book provides a 'symptom checker' to help teams identify if they are suffering from Zombie Scrum.
  3. Role of Management in Zombie Scrum: The authors argue that a lack of understanding and support from management often contributes to the rise of Zombie Scrum.
  4. The importance of a Scrum Master: The role of a Scrum Master is critical in preventing...

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Birgit Pohl
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Leadership Coach & Business Consultant Agility