Hyperfocus - How to Work Less to Achieve More

Chris Bailey

Key Insights from "Hyperfocus - How to Work Less to Achieve More"

  1. The concept of Hyperfocus: A state of intense concentration on a single task that allows for greater productivity and creativity.
  2. The two types of attention: Autopilot mode and conscious mode. Autopilot is our default, where we operate on routine or habit. Conscious mode requires more effort but allows us to focus and make deliberate choices.
  3. The Scatterfocus technique: A method of intentional mind-wandering to boost creativity and problem-solving.
  4. Switching costs: The time and mental energy wasted when we constantly switch between tasks.
  5. Attention Residue: The cognitive cost...

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Arnold Buoro

Arnold Buoro ES

Talent Acquisition Lead l Career Coach