Made to Stick - Why Some Ideas Survive and Others Die

Chip Heath, Dan Heath

Key Facts or Insights from "Made to Stick"

  1. Principle of Simplicity: Core messages should be simple, compact, and profound.
  2. Principle of Unexpectedness: To grab people's attention, deliver messages in an unexpected way.
  3. Principle of Concreteness: Make your idea clear by explaining it in terms of human actions, sensory information, and specific facts.
  4. Principle of Credibility: Help people believe your idea by making sure it is backed up by a reliable authority or antecedent event.
  5. Principle of Emotion: Make people care about your idea by linking it to something they already care about or invoking emotion.
  6. Principle of Story: Tell...

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Daniel Thulfaut

Daniel Thulfaut DE

CPO & Head of Product Growth,
Christian Kuechler

Christian Kuechler DE

Director Software Engineering, Solactive AG