Supercommunicators - How to Unlock the Secret Language of Connection

Charles Duhigg

- **Effective communication is rooted in understanding human psychology.** - **Storytelling is a powerful tool for creating connection.** - **Active listening is crucial in fostering meaningful interactions.** - **Non-verbal communication often speaks louder than words.** - **Building trust is fundamental to effective communication.** - **Empathy enhances relational dynamics and communication.** - **Clarity and simplicity are key in conveying messages.** - **Feedback is essential for improving communication skills.** - **Consistency and authenticity strengthen communication.** - **Adaptability in communication styles can bridge gaps.** - **Cultural awareness broadens communicative competence.** Effective communication is a cornerstone of personal and professional success. The book delves...

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Louise Worsley

Louise Worsley ZA

Project Consultant /University MSc lecturer, PiCubed