Beej's Guide to Network Programming - Using Internet Sockets

Brian "beej Jorgensen" Hall

Key Facts and Insights:

  • Comprehensive Introduction to Network Programming: The book provides a thorough and detailed introduction to network programming, making it an excellent starting point for beginners.
  • The Use of Internet Sockets: A significant emphasis is placed on using internet sockets, a fundamental concept in network programming.
  • Client-Server Model: Beej's Guide delves into the client-server model, explaining the roles and interactions of clients and servers in detail.
  • Understanding of TCP/IP: Hall teaches a foundational understanding of TCP/IP, the primary protocol for data transmission over the internet.
  • Programming Languages: The book uses C and C++ for its code examples,...

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Gustavo H. M. Silva

Gustavo H. M. Silva PT

Senior Go Software Engineer, Autodoc