Designing Your Life - How to Build a Well-Lived, Joyful Life

Bill Burnett, Dave Evans

Key Facts and Insights from the Book

  1. Life Design Approach: The book presents a novel approach to life design, based on the same problem-solving principles and strategies that Stanford's uses for product design.
  2. Reframing: The concept of reframing is central to the book. It helps people to perceive their problems from a new perspective and find innovative solutions.
  3. Prototyping: The authors use the concept of prototyping borrowed from product design, suggesting readers to build three prototypes of their future to explore possibilities.
  4. Gravity Problems: The book introduces the concept of 'gravity problems' - problems that are unsolvable and...

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Katerina Kalantzi

Katerina Kalantzi IT

Founder, Optimizze Consulting
Alberto Robles

Alberto Robles ES

Innovation & DeepTech
Antonello Schiavo

Antonello Schiavo PL

EMEA Delivery Manager, Google Cloud