Speculative Everything - Design, Fiction, and Social Dreaming

Anthony Dunne, Fiona Raby

Key Insights from "Speculative Everything - Design, Fiction, and Social Dreaming"

  1. Design as a Medium for Speculative Thought: The authors propose that design can be used as a tool to create a speculative world, opening new doors for future possibilities.
  2. Role of Fiction in Design: Dunne and Raby illustrate how fiction can be a powerful tool in the design process, helping to envisage alternative realities.
  3. Design for Debate: Design is not just about creating functional objects, it’s also about stimulating debate and challenging the status quo.
  4. Importance of Social Dreaming: The book emphasizes the role of social dreaming in...

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Valentina Contini

Valentina Contini DE

Technology Innovation expert