Ikigai - The Japanese Life Philosophy

Alan Daron

Key Facts from Ikigai - The Japanese Life Philosophy by Alan Daron:

  1. Ikigai is a Japanese concept that translates as “a reason for being” and is seen as the convergence of one's passion, mission, vocation, and profession.
  2. The book emphasizes the importance of finding a balance between what you love, what you are good at, what the world needs, and what you can be paid for.
  3. According to the book, the practice of Ikigai contributes significantly to longevity and a fulfilling life.
  4. Daron postulates that living with Ikigai helps to reduce stress, increase happiness, and improve general wellbeing.
  5. The...

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Jency Stella

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Lead QA Engineer, Billennium IT Services (M) SDN. BHD.
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