Play Bigger - How Rebels and Innovators Create New Categories and Dominate Markets

Al Ramadan, Dave Peterson, Christopher Lochhead, Kevin Maney

Key Insights from "Play Bigger - How Rebels and Innovators Create New Categories and Dominate Markets"

  1. Category design: The book introduces a new business discipline called "Category Design", which is about creating and developing new market categories.
  2. The role of timing: Timing is crucial in category design. The best time to create a category is when there is a significant technology or societal shift.
  3. Category kings: Companies that take the lead in creating new categories often dominate those categories, becoming "Category Kings."
  4. Importance of differentiating: To become a Category King, you must differentiate your product or service from others...

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Stefan Wiest
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Stefan Wiest

Interim CTO / Software Architect / Fullstack Dev
Darren Cody
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Darren Cody CA

Co-Founder, Marketplace Studio