Brave New Work - Are You Ready to Reinvent Your Organization?

Aaron Dignan

Key Facts and Insights from the Book:

  1. Organizational Operating System: The book asserts that every organization runs on an 'operating system' - an invisible set of rules and processes that dictate how work gets done.
  2. The OS Canvas: Dignan introduces a tool called the OS Canvas, which breaks down the operating system into 12 dimensions, providing a framework to assess and redesign the way work is done.
  3. Complexity Theory: The book emphasizes the concept of complexity theory, explaining how organizations can become more adaptive and responsive to change.
  4. Evolutionary Organizations: Dignan argues that the future of work is about...

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Erich Schimmel

Erich Schimmel DE

Founder, The Evolving Zone
Andrea Zuppicich

Andrea Zuppicich IT

Founder <> International HR Manager, Fracto